Discount Codes
Discount codes and companies I highly recommend
use code SIMPLYRAW - superb epigenetic testing to obtain the exact nutrition required.
get a free bottle of Alpha Wolfe Essential Fatty Acids when purchasing a Wellbeing Kit.
use code SimplyRawFeeding20 for a 20% discount on the first two orders and free shipping, and thereafter SimplyRawFeeding10 for a permanent 10% discount. You need to create an account to use the codes.
superb organic mushroom tinctures - use code simplyraw for a 20% discount - use for humans and dogs!
superb organic shampoos, insect repellent, balms and Pinch Pots - use RFVS24 for a 10% discount
use code SimplyRaw10 for a 10% discount.
use code MODDIE15 for a 15% discount.
use code SimplyRawFeeding15 for a 15% discount.
Other companies I highly recommend - great supplements and Feeding Dogs is a ‘must read’ book for any dog owner. - fishy treats - fantastic venison products - natural flea and tick preventatives plus much more - bone broths and kefir for dogs and humans! - testing for parasites - MCT oil and other great products - CBD oil - superb info each week on FB at 7 pm